Blog : Frameless Showers

Frameless showers Perth

Frameless showers - A game changer in your bathroom scene.

One of the top trends in the world of showers is the use of the minimal door Frameless showers Perth. Frameless showers are minimalistic by design and are sleek giving a sophisticated overall look. This has eliminated the need for excessive metal hardware and framing which was the case with older shower designs. Frameless showers online exhibit a visual appeal that blends perfectly with overall interior decor. If you are in the process of upgrading your shower then perhaps it is time to consider a frameless shower. Check out the wide range of frameless shower enclosures Perth for ideas and inspiration. Visit our showroom for you to have a glimpse of the unlimited possibilities achievable with frameless showers.

Why Frameless Shower Perth?

The frameless shower offers many advantages over the traditional style shower. These include;

The minimalist design
The minimalist design of shower enclosures frameless presents a huge advantage since it is compatible with a wide range of interior styles. Those with small or bigger bathroom spaces will find best frameless showers functional and convenient irrespective of the space available.
Easily customizable
Frameless showers do not have standard size doors as the case may be with traditional framed doors. This therefore means the frameless shower is easily customizable.
Reduced mold and grime
Grooves are non-existent with this type of shower. Therefore no mold and dirt can develop or accumulate.No need for metal frames which usually need to be replaced when they are corroded. It requires less drilling for fittings unlike contemporary shower designs.
Frameless advantage
Frameless showers Perth appear sophisticated and modern by design. It upgrades the aesthetic value of your home or property. Creates an illusion that you have more room space even if this may not be true.
Installation of Frameless Showersl

You can DIY or hire an expert to carry out the installation of frameless shower kit.The DIY option seems can be exciting when you have a small project at hand. However, the expert is the better option of handling the installation of your frameless shower. Remember, a lot of precision is required when installing frameless luxury shower and such projects costs money. Therefore, you might not want to experiment but rather rely on experience and expertise from those well acquainted with such a project.

Some important tips to note when installing frameless showers;
  • Proper handling of glass is required to prevent it from scratches or cracking.
  • Proper padding and protection is required where glass comes into contact with other materials.
  • Padding for hardware to avoid cracking or scratching.
  • Allow some space or gap at the bottom of the frameless shower.
  • Choose appropriate height profile for your porcelain floor tile and allow for tile glue thickness.
  • Allow for the shower overspray from shower head to floor
How about frameless Showers Cost?

Frameless showers cost more when compared to traditional showers. The frameless showers for sale are usually a few hundred dollars. As for traditional framed doors prices are quite lower and can rarely go beyond what one might expect to pay for the Perth frameless showers. You can procure full frameless shower doors at higher prices which can be thousands or go for half or partial panels. The half partial panel takes up a small part of the shower edge and is cheaper when compared to the full frameless door option.

The frameless showers have taken over the market for a reason. They present more advantages and require the least maintenance when compared to traditional shower designs. This can be attributed to the fact that these designs lack metal frames and other traditional shower hardware. Nonetheless, you need to regularly clean the frameless shower using recommended stain removers. You also have to consider various frameless glass for showers types when choosing the frameless showers Perth.
